How to Order

When ordering, clearly specify the desired material and shape of the core wanted by referring to the products page, indicating in particular its Device, Dimension and Impedance value, all within the limits stated in the products page.

Ferrite cores serving in hot places. Exceeding their Curie temperature may not be able to perform according to their characteristics and may cause the equipment to disoperation or malfunction. Be sure, therefore, to take it’s Curie temperature into consideration and use each core within a proper service temperature range.

Ordering Code Numbers for Common Cores


EMC devices series


Core Outer Diameter



Core Thickness



Frequency Characteristic

M,J  LG 7


Applicable Cable

(E):  Round cable (oblong)

(F):  Flat cable

(R):  Round cable (oblong)


Core Type

(C):  Split with resin clamp

(D):  Split with resin clam, non grinded core and simple type casing

(E):  Split with resin clam, grinded core and simple type casing with oval-hole

(F):  Split with resin clamp, grinded core and casing has no simple type

(H):  Split with resin clamp (flat core)

(N):  Split with metal clip (flat core)

(T):  Non split